IMPORTANT: Look for your child’s Medicaid or CHIP renewal in the mail, complete it and mail it back immediately. They may be covered even if you’re not! Go to to find contact information for your state Medicaid office.

U.S. flag

An official website of the United States government

Style Guide

Medicaid light blue
Medicaid navy



Darker blue (rather then orange) for hover/press.
Can add a css transition for a subtle enhancement


This is an H1 Example Header 40px

40px Merriweather Bold #333

This is an subhead h2 Example Header 30px

30px Merriweather Bold #661466

H2 home screen class Read our Latest Newsletter!

26px/30px Source Sans Pro Semibold

This is an subhead H3 Example Header 20px

20px Merriweather Bold #333

H3 home screen class Engaging Local Municipalities in Medicaid

19/24pxpx Source Sans Pro Bold (per existing site - no change)

This is an subhead H4 Example Header 17px

17px Merriweather Bold #333

This is an subhead H5 Example Header 15px

15px Merriweather Bold #333

This is an subhead H6 Example Header uppercase 13px

13px Source Sans Pro Bold uppercase #333

Rule lines #CACACA


Millions of Children and teens qualify for free or low-cost health and dental coverage through Medicaid & the

Millions of Children and teens qualify for free or low-cost health and dental coverage through Medicaid & the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

The Connecting kids to Converage National Campaign works with outreach grantees and a veriety of partners-including government agencies, community organizations, health care providers, schools and others-throughout the nation, with a focus on reaching childeren and teen who are eligible for Medicaid and the Childeren's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), but are not enrolled.

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